I am a part time lecturer in the college.
Outside of school is how to make (deco sweets & fake sweets ) your own personal studio in.
At school, I teach Art of Sweets modeling.
The shape of a cake, made from different materials inedible.
For example, such as silicone rubber or made from clay.
Previously, I was introduced to TV and newspapers.
The shape of a fake cake and deco sweets art to teach in college is just me in Japan.
If you know the Japanese deco culture would feel with.
I am a only recipe has not published a book on how to make (fake sweets and deco sweets made from cray).
My dream is to publish a book on how to make.
Great to be published in countries other than Japan.
I hope the dream comes true.
Cupcake with a drink, and how to make in my studio.
This chocolate flavor.
This is a strawberry flavor.
This is a Paris-Brest.
Please come and see my blog !
My blog has published an post image in fake sweets and deco sweets.
This time, I wrote the first long sentence.
Many sentences wrong, sorry.
I would like to learn more English. (^_^;
Many sentences wrong, sorry.
I would like to learn more English. (^_^;