Monday, April 11, 2011

It was aired on TV!

Hi, friends!
The report in the photograph.

In KOBE  where broadcast.
Macaroons made ​​of clay, decorated with authentic macaroons.
So which one is real! ?

How it was released.
But it was all being broadcast.
 Showed how to make macaroons for.
 But,the half were cut.

Filmed in the department store.
This is making a parfait look fake.

It is all fake cake, too.

Fake parfait will  memo the stand.
looks so delicious & functional !

This day,guidance for how to make a fake parfait.

NHK KOBE was from broadcasters.

I want to send a Fake sweets fun!
Thank you for the watching!!


  1. Yay!
    Omoshirosoo! Mitai mitai!
    Mata jishindane.... kyotsuketekudasai!

  2. >Otete san
    It will be broadcast again!
    April 26, 11:30 to 12:00 (japan time)
    NHK 「ぐるっと関西おひるまえ」

    >Mini Mo san
    Thanks for comment!

    And please visit my blog.


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